
Posts Tagged ‘detroit neighborhood’

Detroit is fortunate to have the largest collection of buildings anywhere in the world designed by famed architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, one of the greatest designers of the past century.  The International style development, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, sits on a 42-acre lot on the east fringes of the city’s downtown area.  It includes three high-rise buildings and 21-multi-unit townhouses. The development, built over a three-year period starting in 1958, incorporates a large green space known as Lafayette Park. Two of the high-rise buildings are located on the east side of the 19-acre park that includes walking paths and an elementary school.

All of the residential buildings in the complex are constructed of aluminum and glass and feature floor to ceiling windows that create a sense of openness and spaciousness. The buildings are stark in appearance and feature exposed outer, steel skeleton frames that are part of the overall design. Although there are a few single story units, most of the townhouses are two stories and all of the cul-de-sac streets and parking lots in the development are set about four feet below grade.  The lots and short streets are ringed with lush landscaping, rendering the cars almost invisible when looking out of the ground level units or from the surrounding sidewalks, much like a private park.

Landscape sidewalks are found throughout the development

The units sit above the parking lots

While riding through the area, not only am I constantly impressed with the simple architectural design of the townhouses, but the serenity. It’s a relaxing and peaceful setting. A direct contrast to the harsh city environment that is literally less than two blocks away. The extensive landscape scheme complements the sleekness of the structures making the development feel like a natural, country setting but with a subtle urban edge to it. Too me the complex is a masterpiece in urban design.

A park setting right outside the doors and windows

The units blend nicely into the surrounding environment

Although the three twenty-one-story apartment buildings in the development stand alone, they too take advantage of the surrounding green space. The apartment building known as the Pavilion sits close to the townhouses and like them, it is surrounded by a landscape design that enhances the building. The structure also has floor-to-ceiling windows that look out at the adjacent park or the city skyline. The two other apartment buildings, named Lafayette Towers, are further east and they are replicas of the Pavilion. They are separated from the Pavilion and the townhouses by Lafayette Park. The park’s 20-acre expansiveness compliments the overall scale of the three high-rise buildings, making them seem smaller than what they are.

Like all the buildings in the complex, the twin buildings of Lafayette Towers feature floor-to-ceiling windows

One of the twin towers on the east side of Lafayette Park

No matter the time of the year, it’s always a peaceful, quite bike ride through the development. In the spring, the historic district is full of colorful, blooming ornamental trees and flowers that highlight the buildings and surrounding environment. In the summer, the thick leaved trees and bushes soften the starkness of the glass buildings. The fall season offer an array of vibrant natural leaf colors that reflect off the windows, before they drop, revealing the beauty of the timeless buildings.

The Pavilion is a stand alone apartment building on the west side of Lafayette Park near the Townhouses

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While riding my bike through a far eastside Detroit neighborhood, I came across an interesting office. It wasn’t the typical office where employees may be seen answering phones, meeting with clients in a conference room or sitting at desks busily at work staring into a glowing computer screen. From what I could tell, this particular place had none of that. In fact, the spray painted name on the outside of building read “the office”.  I’m not sure what this office is though.

An overall view of the office

Based on the variety of spray painted words and names found on the weather-beaten, run down commercial building, and on an adjacent garage, it almost appears to be some type of counseling center. Many of the words seem to be names of people with dates right after them. Based on the RIP tombstone crudely painted on one of the walls near the names, I would assume they are individuals that have died. Also on the building, was a makeshift spray painted sign with directions to Grosse Pointe, Downtown (Detroit), the river and to I-94.

There are a variety of messages spray painted on this section

All four directions are accounted for by the 'V' pointers

In addition to the many spray painted messages and names found on the exterior of the one-story building, there is also a large section where many color photos have been posted. Most of the ones I saw were of kids and teens. Perhaps they play on a community sports team, are part of a church group or merely from the neighborhood and have been counseled in some way at this office. It could also be a place for mentoring young people, teaching them the right things to do in life. It’s hard to tell what this curious place’s mission was.

Note the clock and wording above it to the right of the wall of photos

Whatever this may be, near the corner of Freud and Clairpointe streets, it appears those involved are trying to make a difference for those living in that old, tattered Detroit neighborhood.

The garage has an urban, folk art look to it

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